Oct 10, 2022·4 min read

THIS IS WHY Liberals and Democrats HATE Cryptocurrencies

THIS IS WHY Liberals and Democrats HATE Cryptocurrencies
Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Everyone knows Chrystia Freeland, Justin Trudeau mock Crypto as if it’s a big scam. It’s absolutely true that there are a lot of scams. In fact, the stock market, sports, big pharma, war.. It’s all a scam if we really dig into the ethics behind each of them. Quite possibly the biggest scam is in Government projects. Here’s the reason why Liberals hate Crypto:

1- Crypto prevents people from taking student loans If you’re rich enough to start a business, why would you need a loan to get a humanities degree? People are far more likely to spend the government's money on an education than their own. The student loan scam has yielded massive interest returns for the government.  2- Crypto is a global asset, removing circulating currency, it’s ANTI-LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT Governments love to have more circulating currency, so that they can spend more. When you deposit $100,000 to a Chinese exchange, the money is now in China. Those $100,000 are now increasing the available supply, meaning there must be a demand to compensate for those losses. Liberal governments create scammy programs to re-circulate and bubble their own currency. Crypto will force them to abandon how they know to govern.  3- Credit Companies cannot loan more funds When money is hoarded by exchanges, investors and companies it is a bad thing for credit companies. Credit companies depend on you to be broke and loan money. When you loan money, each time you pay interest on that money, you’re enabling the credit companies to loan more money at lower rates. When people hoard money, they must raise the rates, dismantling the entire bubble they exist on. 

BC Simon

BC Simon

BC Simon is a former professional Footballer, Ice Hockey Player, Commercial and Print Model, Behavioural Therapist and Intervention Specialist. BC founded numerous multimillion dollar companies and is also a Romanian Orphan.

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