Oct 25, 2022·5 min read

Romanian Football

Romanian Football
Photo by MATEI CURTASU on Behance

The Romanian National Team and the Becali mafia are trying to promote Andrea Compagno to the Romanian National Team. The 26 year old Italian player was playing in San Marino a few years back before making his switch to Liga 1. The argument is that his form in Liga 1 should be advantageous for the national team, regardless of his nationality. 

When we look back over the years, numerous players performed far better in Romania but never got naturalized. An example is Cyril Thereau. Thereau scored 10 goals for Steaua in 17 games, later went on to score more than 50 goals in Italy, 17 in Belgium. Speaking of Belgium, one Denis Dragus plays there with 49 appearances, 12 goals and he doesn’t require naturalization, he’s a Romanian. The left winger has been ignored, and he is represented by Chiodi, who is on Becali’s payroll. Another player not needing naturalization is Alexandru Baluta in the Hungarian league or Vlad Dragomir in the Cypriot League. If we wish to speak about pure strikers, we can enter that conversation by listing the top Romanian Strikers at the moment:

Eric at Ural, The Romanian has 3 goals in 10 games playing in a superior Russian League.  Here is the list of Romanian Players who outscored Compagno last season:

Balan: 0 Caps for Romania Sorescu: 9 Caps Miculescu: 0 Caps Adrian Petre: 0 Caps Deac: 26 Caps Markovic: 3 Caps F.Tanase: 15 Caps Andrei Ivan: 17 Caps

Hermannstadt has a player with 6 goals this season by the name of Daniel Paraschiv he’s not played a single National Team game at any level, and is fully Romanian. Why is he not spoken of? In the next article we will reach out to Magico Sports Agency, and gather information as to why Andrea Compagno is earning caps before his client. 

If you look down the list, Balan, Sorecu, Miculescu, Petre and Paraschiv have all been ignored while the media is pushing an Italian player for the Romanian national team. Whomever is paying for these articles, is likely the one paying to shatter the dreams of these young Romanian Players.

George Puscas: From Inter Milan to the bench in Serie B

Puscas began his youth career as a Striker with Inter Milan youth. He was promoted near the end of his stay there, and showed himself rather well in those few games. A big, physical striker with the ability to play at his own pace. How did Puscas go from a u21 star, to a flop at the senior level?

Puscas scored 7 times in qualifying during 2019 at the u21’s and managed to showcase himself with two goals in the Semi Finals against Germany at the u21 European Championships. This was the peak of young Puscas’ career. But why? His development stopped there. A big body, could hold the ball up well and make diagonal runs across the penalty area. Reading fans were thrilled for their new signing, but not for long. 17 goals in 84 games, followed by 8 goals in 18 games at Serie B side Pisa, and now a bench appearance for Genoa, in Serie B.  At the age of 26, Puscas is now a striker that has not developed his body from 2018 to 2023. He has not improved his speed. He has not improved his technique or worked on a specific skill-set that could elevate his game to a new level.  How can Puscas improve? George must improve his back If you look at his physique, his back is flat. If George is placed on a good fitness routine, he could add 2kg of muscle in his upper body, which would give him extra leverage and space when holding the ball up. If you watch Puscas in physical battles, he often wins the battle but mostly by launching his bone structure into his opponents. George is a large man, but if you watch closely, George doesn’t bounce off of the defenders and continue attacking. If George had more muscle mass on his back, he would just need to pivot and wedge his body between the opponent and the ball.

George needs to develop his shoulders. 

His core is quite strong, but he lacks mass and muscle development in his interior and exterior shoulder muscles. When he enters a 50/50 challenge, George extends his arms with high shoulders. If he had mass on his shoulders, he could keep his shoulders down and nudge opponents off balance. Unfortunately George is usually the one off balance, over running or pushing the ball too far. 

George needs to improve his dribbling. 

His inability to dribble at slow speeds, and accelerate into his shots is an indication that Puscas struggles to control the ball in tight spaces. If George has the physical improvements above, he can gain time and space on the ball, assessing the field as he develops a better angle for his attack.

George needs to improve his sprints diagonally. 

Often when a striker is good NORTH and SOUTH, they struggle to run EAST and WEST. Unfortunately football has offsides and George does a wonderful job without the ball, making diagonal runs but when he gets the ball on his foot, he is unable to explode on the outside foot and generate power due to his poor balance when changing direction.

Where should George Puscas play if he were to improve these attributes? George Puscas would be lethal in the Dutch Everdise or La Liga. George handles himself well on counter attacks and struggles against big and strong defenders. England was the worst possible place for Puscas to play. He lacks the muscular development to compete an entire season in the EPL, therefore a player of his quality can find a home with a dutch club such as PSV.

Cristian Negut: Romania’s Dries Mertens

Hidden away in the Romanian Super Liga is a talent that nobody is paying attention to. His name is Cristian Negut. The 26 year old has had an unremarkable career scoring 41 goals with Chindia Targoviste, a relegation side in a total of 198 matches. CFR Cluj noticed his talent, gaining 8 caps, scoring 1 time. 

Here are my 5 reasons as to why Negut can be a star for Farul.  1- High workrate is rare for a Romanian player 2- Technical abilities are off the charts 3- Decision making is above average 4- Humble background 5- A fantastic shot

In his most recent match, Negut managed a freekick goal but that was not the standout moment for scouts. Negut continued to cut inside on either wing and unleash clean shots, forcing the keeper to give up numerous corner kicks. His balance and agility was similar to one Dries Mertens. 

If a club can pair Negut with a striker such as Alibec or Munteanu, he could push the pace and develop fine chemistry in attack.

BC Simon

BC Simon

BC Simon is a former professional Footballer, Ice Hockey Player, Commercial and Print Model, Behavioural Therapist and Intervention Specialist. BC founded numerous multimillion dollar companies and is also a Romanian Orphan.

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